Saturday, November 17, 2012

PYC Project 2: Happy Home

This year (2012) the Know India Program (KIP) Alumni's in Fiji have formed a Youth Club called Pravasi Youth Club. The group has planned to embark on Community Projects and Charity work.

The second project done was on 17th November 2012 (as a Diwali initiative) and some of the members visited Happy Home (on Flectcher Road, Vatuwaqa). 
President of PYC Shaiza lended us her kitchen. Thank you for the kitchen and expertise (Master Chef Vineet). The cooking and chatting was great fun. 


We are grateful to the wonderful people at Matua Taxis's who drove us with all the food and dropped us safely to our destination in Vatuwaqa. 

The members (with some financial assistance from Indian High Commission, Fiji) cooked lunch and bought sweets for the residents of the Happy Home.




Elizabeth looks after Sujit Kumar and a few other kids at her wonderful home. She is looking after children who are at risk so most of the children come from abused backgrounds. It is really sad to see the statistics of children being abused at the hands of family members or someone the child trusted (family member or family friend). We are really proud of the work the trust is doing for Sujit Kumar and the other children. We are glad that we got the opportunity to visit these children and share a meal with laughs with them.

So that was our Diwali project and a Saturday well spent.

Until next blog . . . 
Alzima Elisha Bano 
Media and Public Relations Liaison
Pravasi Youth Club

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