Saturday, November 17, 2012

PYC Project 1: Lunch distribution

The Know India Program (KIP) Alumni from Fiji has formed a Youth Club called Pravasi Youth Club. The members decided on their first community outreach project as a Lunch Distribution to the poor and homeless on the streets of Suva. 

The members contributed towards the purchasing of the roti curry lunch parcels. The delicious lunch was purchased from Navintis catering (This wonderful restaurant is located at the University of the South Pacific Dinning Hall, Laucala Campus, Suva). 

Many of the members are students and employees and have busy schedules. All of them are unable to attend the projects but they do contribute in whatever way they possibly can. 

For this particular project the President, Shaiza Janif and the Vice President Shelvin Karan together with the support of Vineet Ram distrusted lunch to the poor people on the streets on Suva. 

If you would like to keep up to date with the projects of PYC you can click on this link, like the page and keep yourself updated :-) 

Unill next blog :-)

Alzima Elisha Bano
Media and Public Relations Liaison
Pravasi Youth Club

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